1、【脑筋急转弯】A doctor and a lawyer loved the same girl. The lawyer went away for a week and gave the girl seven apples before he left. Why?
2、【脑筋急转弯】Why is it useless to send a letter to Washington?
3、【脑筋急转弯】What's the difference between a hill and a pill?
4、【脑筋急转弯】What can you swallow that can also swallow you?
5、【脑筋急转弯】Why does the boy carry a ladder to the school?
6、【脑筋急转弯】What person does every man take his hat off to?
7、【脑筋急转弯】What word can you make shorter by adding to it?
8、【脑筋急转弯】What starts with a T, ends with a T, and is full of T?
9、【脑筋急转弯】What comes after the letter "A"?
10、【脑筋急转弯】What is wind?
11、【脑筋急转弯】How can you tell clocks and watches are shy?
12、【脑筋急转弯】What is an astronomer?
13、【脑筋急转弯】What rises in the morning and waves all day?
14、【脑筋急转弯】What wears a cap but has no head?
15、【脑筋急转弯】What did one invisible man say to the other invisible man?